Monday, January 07, 2019

And so the adventure begins...

I say this at the being of each year... You can start over at anytime, but there is something about the new year that is so deeply ingrained in us that makes us feel like new years day is the prefect time to reinvent our selves and our surrounding spaces. So with that said it's time for The January Cure , my favorite way to start off the new year. This year we are moving into a house so I look forward to having a calm space before the move. Also I am more that sure it will help me purge before the big move.

I started it a little late, Mikey was home for two weeks and so we just enjoyed watching moves and playing games on my time off, after work that is. Lucky guys gets a holiday break, when I am at the most busiest and can't take any time off.  On Friday as soon as he went back to work I started day one .. Clean out one drawer, well if you know me I didn't stop at one so I cleaned every single drawer in the house. Day two was a list of projects, easy peasy I knocked that out and posted it on the fridge so Mikey can see it an tackle them on his days off. Day three was a little more labor intensive, deep clean the bedroom, get fresh flowers, strip the bed, wash the linens, pillows too ( I skipped we replaced all our pillows for the new year) clean mirrors, vacuum etc. I do that every week it is so nice to have a nice clean bedroom at the end of each night! Day four which is today is putting out an out box or bag, coincidentally I started an out bag for clothes and accessories last week. I love the idea of an out box for everything else. I have a feeling I will be getting rid of a lot of things I no longer want and or need. Saturdays and Sundays there are no assignments, so I downloaded and printed out the  January cure calender  and filled in those days with the list of projects so either one of or both of us can tackle them on his days off.

I love Apartment Therapy I spend hours on the site readying articles and gathering ideas. I found some great articles with moving and packing tips too. Usually packing is not something I look forward to but for this move I really can't wait. I am looking forward to getting into a bigger space and rumor has it that my oldest child is moving in with us! I am so happy to have her around for a while! I knew it would happen sooner or later, we all go back to our parents at least once in our lifetime. Hopefully she takes advantage of this chance to become financially independent. Some people offered unnecessary opinions on the subject , but seriously folks we have one job as parents and that's to do it what ever it takes at whatever age to help our children succeed in life. You don't stop being a parent when they turn 18. Okay enough ranting I have too much to do today!

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