Saturday, December 28, 2019

"It's not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving"

Coming back to work after three days off feels wrong. Everyone should have two weeks off paid of course from the twenty-fourth until the six of January. Well with the exception of supermarkets, emergency rooms/hospitals and gas stations. Although I am finding that there are a lot more places closing on Christmas Day, which is great but for the dummies like me who didn't plan out a meal for that day it's not a fun time. I for some reason though I would have some leftover tamales and posole but, I was only allotted six out of the sixty made and no leftover posole. Oh well at least it was fun and everything was delicious!
 After a great Christmas Eve and an even better Christmas morning, I found some of that Christmas spirit I was missing and I wish I would have ignored it. I reached out to my MIA family and got either no response, a meaningless response, and a mean/ downright nasty response. So lesson learned I asked for it not doing that again. 2020 is the year for no fucks given, doing what's good for me and healing from my past once and for all.
Anyhow Mikey went so overboard with presents, and I cried. No one has ever done that for me, with the exception of my mom. I don't mean that in a materialistic kind of way, its not the presents it was the love and thought that was put into each one. I have always been spoiled in every relationship I have been in but there was no love behind the gifts were attempts to buy my affection or make up for the lack of time/effort put into it. Mikey's face lit up as I opened each gift, I loved everything! 
Especially my Fitbit Versa2 that I am learning to use, now I really have no excuse to work out. (insert sad face here, my fatty ass is cold and does not want to move)
So my apt is coming back together, but since the new year is upon us that means its gotta be spotless! Ugh,the curse of being Mexican and superstitious! If you don't know what I am talking about, the belief is that if you don't clean your house it will be dirty for the rest of the year! 
So I am working on getting it cleaned but more than anything I want to organize it so I am looking forward to the January Cure! But since that begins in January I feel like I can't wait. My closet is my first victim its not crazy disorganized but it needs a little love. I took pictures of all our shoes with my Instax Mini and attached them to the shoe boxes. I love not having to dig through boxes! So now I need a few baskets for my winter gear, gloves, hats, socks, and scarves. I also upgraded to grown-up hangers, no plastic or wire ones the pretty velvet ones. It was not that expensive either and it gives the closet a much better look and feel. I have been going through Pinterest and Youtube for ideas but no one has good ideas for small apt walk-in closets! So off to the store,I go to look for inspiration and ideas! 

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