Saturday, October 12, 2019

Back to normal??!!

The last time I checked in was in the middle of a very hot summer and now its fall and it's slowly starting to feel like it. This summer by the way sucked, I made it out to the pool twice because our complex decided to do some repairs. Who does that in the middle of the summer????!! Monsters!! Well, it didn't really matter its not like I had that much time on my hands to lay out by the pool.
 The last week in July Mikey hurt his back, he went to the doctor and was given the usual treatment of meds, stretches and rest. A week later he couldn't walk and being the stubborn man that he is he crawled around in pain until I forced him to go to the ER. He was admitted that night and had emergency surgery a couple days later. It's been a tough few months for both of us, I have never been more grateful to work from home. I was able to work and take care of him, but I did take a few weeks off in between (from work that is not from taking care of him of course) He was given a few months off work to recover, towards the end of the summer we went up to Reno to visit his sister. We even made it out to Lake Tahoe for a day. It was so beautiful. We need to travel to more beautiful places like this. The weather was perfect and the water was clear. I came back refreshed and relaxed.

 Mikey's getting back to return to work and I am getting ready to return to my regularly scheduled programming. Honestly, I have missed my alone time a little but these last couple of months brought us closer and I have enjoyed having him home. So this weekend is going to be dedicated to deep cleaning and organizing. It kind feels like when you're getting ready for the kids to go back to school! Anyway, the goal is not to go back to my "normal" routine. I want to have time to write, create and work out. Wish me luck!

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